About the Journal

The journal Problems of Information Tansmission was founded in 1965. The first issue of the journal opened with the following introduction:


The vital role of information as the organizing principle of all purposeful acivity is now widely understood and the new branch of the exact sciences that deals with the problems of transmitting, storing, processing, and distributing information has aroused universal interest. In recent years papers devoted to these problems have been published in ever-increasing numbers in a variety of regular and irregular periodicals.

As far as possible this research should be concentrated between the covers of specialized periodicals, one of which is the new scientific journal Problems of Information Transmission.

This quarterly is intended to replace the earlier (1958–1964) irregular journal of the same name published by the Institute for Problems of Information Transmission of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The character and subject matter of the new journal are naturally influenced by the circumstances of its origin.

Problems of Information Transmission is a theoretical journal publishing original and review articles on the following topics: information theory, coding theory, signal transmission theory, random interferences, signal detection, the theory and control of information networks, pattern recognition, learning, and the problems of information transmission in living organisms.

At present, the journal publishes

  • original teoretical papers,
  • tutorial and surveys on open issues and promissing directions in the area of information transmission and processing.

Topics of interest:

  • information theory;
  • coding theory;
  • communication network theory;
  • communication channel modeling
  • methods of signal processing;
  • image processing and computer vision;
  • large systems;
  • automata theory;
  • information protection;
  • quantum communications and computing;
  • information transmissions in-vivo;
  • bioinformatics;
  • theory of artificial intelligence. 

The journal is published quarterly, the total size being 448 pages a year. The author index of each year is published in no.4 of the corresponding volume.

The English version of the journal (Problems of Information Transmission; ISSN 0032-9460) is distributed by Springer. The translation appears almost simultaneously with the Russian version.

Problems of Information Transmission is abstracted and/or indexed in ACM Computing Reviews, ACM Digital Library, Academic One-File, Computer Science Index, Current Abstracts, Current Index to Statistics, Digital Mathematics Registry, EBSCO, EI - Compendex, Gale, Google, INSPEC, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Mathematical Reviews, OCLC, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded, Summon by Serial Solutions, Zentralblatt MATH.

When a paper is accepted, the author may choose how to publish it: in Russian journal, in English journal, or two papers in both journals.